Proust: “After all, what one always does when one travels is to verify something; one verifies that a color one dreamed of is really there.”
Deleuze: “A bad dreamer is someone who doesn’t go see if the color he dreamed about is really there, but a good dreamer knows that one has to verify if the color is real.”
Deleuze (again):
Parnet asks if this theme of travel is related to Deleuze’s natural slowness, and Deleuze says no, that he doesn’t conceive of traveling as slow, but in any case he feels no need to move. All the intensities that he has are immobile intensities. Intensities distribute themselves, he says, in space or other systems that aren’t necessarily exterior spaces. Deleuze assures Parnet that when he reads a book or hears music that he considers beautiful, he really gets the feeling of passing into states or emotions that he would never find in travel…Deleuze says that there is a geo-music, a geo-philosophy, that he considers to be profound countries, that are his countries.