Unreleased recordings of Marathon from 2010. Recorded by Tim Gowdy at Chromatic Audio.
Philippe Melanson – drums
Martin Heslop – acoustic bass
Gabriel Lambert – guitars
Adam Kinner – saxophone
[soundcloud width=”100%” height=”165″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&show_playcount=false&show_artwork=true&color=76190a” url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/504493″] Marathon 2010 EP by Adam Kinner
A typical thaw day in March. There were cannoli on the counter and lasagne in the oven. Gab decided to bring the whammy guitar to overdub and it was like some kind of breakthrough that we all knew would change ‘Lift, Bend, Thrust, Pray’ forever. When we recorded the vocals in that song we were all lined up against the back wall, yelling into the drum overheads, trying to remember what Martin said about the directives: ‘It’s sort of all that you need to do in life.’